3 Reasons It's Good For Moms To Get Out

Hey. How are you doing on this Thursday morning? I guess it’s very possible that it’s not morning when you’re reading this, but I always write in the morning, so I tend to want to say ‘Good morning!’ Whatever time it is for you, I hope you’re feeling amazing.
It feels so good to feel good and I remember so many days wishing I could feel good. I would read about how ‘happiness was an inside job,’ and I would get so frustrated because I couldn’t figure out how to be happy.
People would tell me, ‘It’s just a choice. You just decide to be happy.’ But, it wasn’t working for me. It was like I couldn't figure out how to make that choice. All I could think about was how unhappy I was and how I should be happy and if I wasn't then it must mean I was choosing to be unhappy and that just made me feel worse.
So, if you’re not happy today, I totally get that. I’ve been there many times, and the thing that got me out of it was coaching. Knowing that I’m actually not supposed to be happy half of the time was mind-blowing. Life is supposed to be 50/50 so when you're not happy, NOTHING HAS GONE WRONG.
Feelings come and feelings go. Happy will be around soon enough and when you stop feeling bad for it not being there when you wish it would, your emotions will move a lot faster.
Coaching helped me understand that my feelings come from my thinking and to really understand why I was thinking the things I was that were creating my unhappiness.
This showed me the reason I was so unhappy had noting to do with the way my life was.
I am forever changed and grateful for coaching.
Today I wanted to write about getting out as a mom. I love this topic because it’s been super fun for me to get out lately. I’m a homebody at heart, so it’s not natural for me to get out. I would rather stay home. Especially when it’s evening. I never understood why someone would want to leave their house after the kids are in bed and the house is cleaned up. That’s when I love to be home!
But today I’m going to share 3 reasons with you for why I think it’s a good idea for moms to get out once in a while.
1| discover what you want
The first reason I think it’s a good idea to get out is because it can help you discover what it is you actually want. I have always been a dreamer. I have always had this big list of wants and someday things. But not all of my clients are like me.
Sometimes I ask them what they want and they’re like, ‘I don't know.’ They have never taken themselves into consideration. They didn’t think what they want matters. I’m going to tell you that it does matter.
When you tell yourself it doesn’t matter what you want, how does that make you feel? For my clients, it wasn’t good. If you are someone that has this belief, we want to uncover the cause of it.
We want to know why you are thinking it in the first place, so we can change the thought to something that serves you instead.
I have found that when clients think what they want doesn't matter, it's because they think they don't matter, and this is where we want to slow down.
Of course you matter. You matter very much. We all do. We all deserve the best. We are valuable. You are supposed to want what you want. It matters.
So, I work with my clients to uncover beliefs like this that are keeping them stuck so they can discover what it is they actually want.
And getting out of the house is going to help you.
When you get out of the house and you go out in the world, you create experiences and discover things about yourself. What kind of flowers do you like? What’s really your favorite coffee shop? What kind of food makes you feel good?
Sometimes it’s just that silent drive in the car that helps your thoughts unwind. You can get away and think about what you want your life to be like. It’s a good question to ask yourself. What do you want?
2| think in a new way
The second reason to get out is that it can help you think in a new way. What I mean by this is that often times when we get out for a day or a few hours, we can have a perception shift. We can start to see our life in a new way, from a different angle.
Maybe we see someone and it lifts our spirits or it causes us to be grateful for what we do have.
Sometimes we get so caught up in the monotony of the every day. This was something I struggled with. I felt like there had to be some other reason for my life. I didn’t understand why it was so hard for me to fix breakfast everyday for my kids just to clean it up and fix a snack and clean it up and fix lunch. It was never ending and I felt apathetic because I couldn’t see the point.
I thought I needed to find my purpose. I needed to have something to live for because it wasn’t enough to live for me. I kept waiting for my life to make me feel good. I had it backwards. If you’re feeling this way, I can totally help you. Book a call and let’s have virtual coffee together.
Your brain is both the problem and the solution, and I have found that getting out once in a while is helpful. Sometimes we need a little nudge (especially if you don’t have a coach) to give our brain something else to focus on and a way to feel grateful for what you have.
3| feels good to be home
The third reason kind of piggy-backs on the first two. When you get out and you start discovering things you want to have in your life and you’re thinking about how you appreciate what you already have, it feels good to get back home.
When I’m out and it’s loud and there’s music and lots of people, it always feels so good to get home to my quiet clean house. All the sudden my family doesn’t seem so big and home feels cozy again.
But here’s the thing I want you to remember with all of this. When you do go out, you want to look for experiences that fuel you, instead of ones that drain you. For example, going out and going shopping drains me. I feel exhausted after shopping.
But when I go out and I meet a friend for coffee or it’s a book club evening, I feel amazing. You want to know what serves you and your energy.
Ultimately, it’s your thoughts about each scenario that create your feelings, but I think it’s helpful to understand how you think they make you feel. It’s just my nature to be fulfilled by smaller groups than larger, noisier ones.
And not everyone is like me. You might love shopping and find book clubs a drag. The point is to discover what you want your life to be like, and getting out can help you with that.
okay, let’s recap
The first reason it’s good to get out is because when you’re out of your home atmosphere, you have this opportunity to discover what you want your life to be like. The second reason is that it helps your brain think in a new way about your own life. The third reason is that when you are removed from your day-to-day environment, it can feel good to be home again.
Sometimes the day in and day out can start to feel monotonous. The reason you feel this way is because of what you’re thinking about it, and a quick fix is to get out once in a while. To fix this long term, you want to change your brain, and we do that with coaching.
If this is something you struggle with all the time, it’s not going to work to get out once in a while. Your brain is going to tell you that you need to get out all the time. That leaving is the answer to your problems. Or that you need to always have something to look forward to like vacation or something.
The answer is always in your brain and what you're thinking, and never in the external world.
If you want to get to the heart of your problems, click here to book your call and let’s have a personal development coffee hour that will impact your life in a positive way.
Here's how you know if you should book a call with me or not: If nothing changes about your situation, what will your life be like in 3 years? Do you want that?
If you’re not okay with that, then for sure we need to talk.
I just know how much my life has changed and how much better I feel and how I am a better mom for my kids and there is so much available to you with coaching.
The call is free and we meet for about an hour on Zoom. CLICK HERE to schedule and I'll see you there.